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Year-End Inventory

Updated: December 30, 2019


"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17 NIV

The Lord requires that every human agent shall do their best; and those that do their best will have the greatest personal satisfaction, and will bring the greatest satisfaction to those who have an interest in them. All, but especially the youth, need to realize the need of a deep experience in the things of God. A mere surface work will be of no benefit. You need to bring the light of God's Word into your heart, that you may search it with a lighted candle....

When you associate together, you may be a help and a blessing one to another if you surround yourselves with an influence that is divine; but there are those who have grave defects which are gaining a deeper hold upon them, and which, if not overcome, will drive the Spirit of God out of the heart. . . . Bible religion is not one influenced among many others, but its influence is supreme, pervading and controlling every other influence. Bible religion is to exercise control over life and conduct. It is not to be like a dash of colour brushed here and there upon the canvas, but its influence is to pervade the whole life, as though the canvas were dipped into the colour until every thread of the fabric was dyed a deep, fast, unfading hue. The Lord will give you understanding in all practical Bible truths as you bring them into your life practice. Principles of truth are to be carried out in your practical experience in everyday matters.

Even in the smaller duties of common life, we are to make continual growth in grace, supplied with high and holy motives, powerful because they proceed from One who gave His life to furnish us with the incentive to be wholly successful in the formation of Christian Character.

Whatever the religion of Christ works, it will brighten and sweeten every detail of life with more than an earthly joy and a higher then earthly peace.

We are now in the last month of 2018. With the little time remaining in 2018, we need to all ask ourselves the following questions;

  1. Am I better off today than I was when 2018 began?
  2. How am I better off now?
  3. What could I have done differently over this past year to improve my life more than what I actually did?
  4. Am I better off spiritually?
  5. As previously read "The Lord requires that every human agent shall do their best; and those that do their best will have the greatest personal satisfaction, and will bring the greatest satisfaction to those who have an interest". Have I done my best in improving my relationship with Jesus that I have had the greatest personal satisfaction? Did I bring the greatest satisfaction to those who have an interest in pleasing Jesus?
  6. Have I grown closer and more dependent upon Jesus throughout 2018?

Another year of life is almost completely in the history books. A new year will soon be upon us. What will be 2019's record be? What will each person inscribe upon its spotless pages? the manner in which we spend each passing day will decide this question . . . .

Let us wrap up 2018 preparing for the new year. In the new year, let us keep our heart cleansed from the defilement of selfishness and pride. Let us put away every sinful indulgence, and seek to become faithful, diligent learners in the school of Christ. A new year will upon its unsullied pages before us. What shall we write upon them? What will you write upon them?

Seek to begin 2019 with the right purposes and pure motives as people who are accountable to God. Ever bear in mind that your acts are daily passing into history by the pen of the recording angel. You must meet them again when the Judgement shall sit and the books shall be opened . . . .

If we connect with God, the source of peace, and light, and truth, His Spirit will flow through us as a channel, to refresh and bless all around us. 2019 may be the last year of life to any one of us. Shall we not enter upon it with thoughtful consideration? Shall not sincerity, respect, benevolence, mark our deportment toward all?

With the new year very soon upon us, many people come up with New Year's resolutions which usually don't last until the end of January. I challenge each of you, including myself to make only one New Year's resolution for 2019, to spend more time with Jesus, draw closer to Him. have a closer relationship with Him each passing day. Do not conform to the patterns of the world, conform to Jesus. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind by having daily Bible study and prayer with Jesus. Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. As Jesus, request Jesus, to give you the guidance, the wisdom and the strength to remove anything sinful in your life, getting in the way of having an unrestricted relationship with Him.  Make 2019 the best year ever in your personal walk with Jesus.


Derived from Ellen White; Sons & Daughters of God pg. 176 and Our High Calling pg. 7


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